Our American Legion Post here in Corvallis sponsors active duty military folks to come to our pretty little valley and partake in skiing, snowmobiling, and other activities. We provide air transportation, food, lift tickets, snowmobiles, cars, and lodging. Most of this is donated by the local community folks to show their support for our troops. Most of which have been deployed numerous times to the middle east. This is our valley's way of showing support to these fine soldiers and airman who are fighting to keep our country safe. This is the second year of this program and we hope to keep it going as long as there is a need. Like I said, just about all of this is donated by local businesses and individuals. What a great valley we live in!
I flew over on this private airplane last year and this year to pick up these military folks. The owner of this aircraft donates it with no cost to our unit. This picture is a few minutes after take off from the Hamilton airport and we are flying west to the Tacoma area to pick up our passengers. |
One of the soldiers talking to one of the pilots before we load up with people and snow boards! |
Michelle ready to go. |
Paul and Michelle at the Lost Trail Ski Resort. The resort gives us deep discounts for these fine people. |
John has joined them. |
After skiing and boarding, we went to the Rocky Knob for a cold beer and dinner. And maybe a game of pool. |
The active duty folks on the left - the Legion folks on the right. |
Paul, Michelle, Shane, and John. |