Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Connie and I took a drive up the West Fork to Alta and then up Hughes Creek where I used to hunt with my family in the 60's.  The place sure has changed and the private ground has many homes on it.  What a change.  Connie was also in a jumping competition in Missoula and did quite well.  Her and her horse sure do like to jump those "fences" as they are called I guess. 

An old gold mine up by where my family used to put in a hunting camp.

It sure has seen better days.

This is the old (restored) Alta Ranger Station.

One of the largest ant hills I have ever seen.

Connie with her ribbons won at the jumping competition.

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Just a short update.  Been pretty busy around here.  Started irrigating the other day and that means changing water everyday (once or twice a day) until next fall.  Connie has been doing quite a bit of riding and I have even ridden her new horse a few times.  She is a very calm horse and does not get to excited about anything.  Her one draw back is that she does not know how to neck rein.  I think all these jumpers just use the plow horse method of turning their horses.  But we have been working on  that and she is quick learner.

Had quite a spring storm around here today. Lots of rain, hail and some lightning.  We needed the moisture especially in the mountains.  Always helps to keep the fire danger down after a good rain like that.

I complain about having to irrigate but you can't complain on the view I have to look at when I am doing it!

Our red and yellow roses did pretty good this year even after being cut back.

Today's hail storm.

Connie and one of her jumping pals out for a ride at our place.  That is a big horse she is riding.

More of the hail storm.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


I have seen a lot of elk around in the last few days.  We are not seeing that many calves, but young cows seem to be in abundance.  This morning I was walking down to change my water in the meadow and walked upon over 25+ head of elk before I really knew I was on them.  My mind was on what I was going to do today and not looking for elk.  A few spotted me before I saw them and moved off.  There were elk laying down sleeping, calves nursing, cows still grazing and some watching me.  I managed to get my camera out of my vest and was able to take a couple of pictures before they all moved off to the north.  But there were not in a big hurray.  Not running anyway.  They are getting way to habituated! 

This cow was on Powerline Point and was so busy eating she did not notice Zeph and I walking up on her.

The other evening this bunch of young cows were all around the corrals.

Look close and you can see the calf nursing his/her mother. 

Thursday, June 06, 2019


Been a while since I updated the blog.  No excuse except we seem to be very busy with a lot of spring things around.  The elk are calving and we almost had a cow calve just a few hundred yards east of the cabin.  Ross and Brenda were outside on the porch when they noticed her.  She was circling around a spot in the trees and smelling the ground.  If Brenda had not opened the screen door I think she would have laid down and maybe calved.  Not good that close to our house.  We have been seeing quite a few other elk looking for places to calve and got a close picture of a calf in the sage brush next to where we walk.  Did not see the mother around though.  We snapped a couple of pictures and left the area. 

Me and Zeph driving home from Corvallis.

A mule deer buck at the salt lick.

Arrowleaf balsa roots behind the cabin.

A couple of cows wondering why we are walking in their area.

A little calf next to the trail.

A few cows up by the powerlines.  We saw quite a number of cows today while riding.

Me on fat Joe.

We are at grandniece Elaina's high school graduation over in Helena.  They had it at Carrol College at the football field and the sun was baking hot.  Lots of folks got a sunburn. 

Elaina in the center top.

Brenda and Margaret at Carl and Deb's place for a little graduation party.

The graduate!!!

Everyone was looking for shade!!  L to R: Teresa, Connie, Rita, and Judy.

Brenda, Margaret, and Elaina.    

Ross, Brenda, and Connie at Skalkaho Falls.

Lots of water coming down.

Brenda and Ross.

Brenda just out of the cool mist.

One more picture of a sleeping elk calf.