Monday, April 11, 2005

Back in the Bitterroot

I promise I will start blogging in the traditional blogging way of the latest on the top. It just seems upside down somehow.

10 Apr 05: Spring is starting to really be seen here. There are buds on our lilac trees and some of the grass is green. CJ is talking about getting the lawn mower out and running it around the lawn. The blue birds are here and looking for a place to nest I guess. We had a little snow flurry go through yesterday. Sun – snow. You know the spring routine.

Brought in all the horses yesterday and gave them some grain, cleaned their feet, and brushed them. Saddled up the last two and went for a ride. First ride of the season. Got to get back in saddle shape and get the horses back in physical shape. Will be headed over to the ranch next month to help AI the yearling heifers. Spend long days in the saddle doing that. But it is only for a week and is really good for the young horses. Will take a four and a five year old over there this year. Of course CJ will take the buckskin wonder horse Baylee. She does like to ride that horse.

Spent a lot of the day inside doing bookwork. Got the taxes done!!! Will be paying more than one would like, but taxes are taxes. I don’t mind paying my share, but I don’t want to pay more than my share. Also got all the mail gone through paid a few bills that I can’t do over the Internet, and got the piles of paper on the desk down to just a few. One of the hardest things you have to do after being gone for a couple of months. And had time for a nice walk in the woods with the dog followed by a cup of good tea.

8 Apr 05: We are back in our barn/home in the Bitterroot. Good to be back, but I already miss the warm sun of the desert. And the spring things that need to be done around here are almost overwhelming. Makes one wish he could clone himself.

We had a good visit in Salt Lake City. Spent some great times with the nieces and nephews. What a bunch. They are all going in different directions and have grown up to be nice men and women. And Auntie Jane is doing well. In fact, she looks better now than she did the last time we saw her.

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