Monday, December 13, 2010


I finally put my new powder/back country skis to the test yesterday.  I had only skied about a 1/2 mile on them last year because the snow was just not good.  Well, we had some great powder yesterday morning at Lost Trail so I grabbed them out of the box on top of the Jeep.  I was really impressed with the K2 Coomba ski.  It is a very wide ski and I got it in a 181 so there is a lot of area gliding a long the snow.  The narrowest part of the ski is 102 mm.  Most skis are around 70 - 80.  Anyway, it is an awesome powder ski.  Handles the crud very well also.  Takes a little more effort to turn them on the groomed runs, but I can live with that as I will ski mostly powder on them anyway.  Made some great runs with another skier, Mike, who skis as fast and hard as I do.  We also ventured out to the out of bounds area.  That was my first time out there this year.  It is still a little short on snow with a few rocks and trees showing.  And a few rocks that are just under the surface which I hit.  I just finished fixing the bottom of the skis with Ptex which is a base repair candle.  I filled in over 2 feet of gouges.  Also waxed them up and am ready for the powder on Thursday. 

We have lost most of our snow around the place.  We have had rain and wind for the last two days.  Temperatures have been in the 40s around here and saw 50 on a thermometer in town today.  We have some ice left on the roads though.

 Some of the out of bounds area with our tracks.

Mike waiting for me on the track back to the ski resort.

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