Sunday, December 16, 2012


We were lucky to have some more powder skiing today at Lost Trail.  Could not believe there was still so much powder up there.  The have added another 300 acres of skiing this year by thinning a bunch of lodge pole pine that came in after the fires of 2000.  The trees used to be so thick you could not walk through them easily.  Now with the thinning, you can ski through them.  The thinning was done to try and keep them from getting the pine beetle infestation that is happening in the west.  But a lot of people do not like to ski in the trees I guess so there was a lot of untracked powder plus an additional 4 or so inches of new snow.  What an incredible week we have had skiing at our little resort.  So much powder and so little time!!  And hardly anyone skiing today.  Ike, Brenda, Connie, and I really had a great day.  I did do a somersault through the air when I hit a hole that caused my skis to come off and I keep going.  Landed on my head so nothing got hurt.  Connie even got a picture of me trying to get my skis back on.

Ike and Brenda getting a coffee and cocoa at the yurt.

Putting back on my skis after my little wreck.  You can see the snow in my helmet that was buried with my head still in it.

This is the new terrain we are skiing.

The trees are spaced pretty good for making turns now.  

Connie making good powder turns.

And so is Ike.

Here we have three of the old guys working on putting a new phone number in their cell phones.  And these cell phones are pretty old, but still work if you only use them once a week.  Average age of these guys is in the mid 70's but they are up skiing all the time and are very good skiers.

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