Friday, February 20, 2015


We left Stewart’s Point and headed further south.  Drove out to Temple Bar where we camped at the Park Service campground there.  Was one of the nicest Park Service campgrounds we have stayed at.  We were surprised to find palm trees and other shade trees there with really nice campsites and hardly anyone in the campground.  Water was easily accessed at a boat ramp that still goes down to the water.  And they have a fully functional marina still operating even though Lake Meade is so low.  Spent one day paddling towards where the Colorado River comes into Lake Meade, but did not get all the way there.  It is 14 miles we were told to inlet so that would have been a little longer day than we wanted to paddle.  Only saw one other boat on the water while we were paddling.  And the water was flat for the most part – great day to paddle.

The functioning marina at Temple Bar.

Temple Mesa or THE Temple Bar according to the locals.

Rest stop while paddling. 

Lots of mussels in places on this lake.

A pair of hooded mergansers.

An arch along the shoreline.

Love watching coots take off from the water as they have to run on top of it until they get flying speed.

Some of them finally getting there.

This heron had a great place to hunt along the shore and came back as soon as we left.

We pulled into this little spot and walked up the canyon to where the high water mark stopped.

blooming salt cedar.

Connie even found a pair of glasses in the sand attached to some twigs.

Just about to the high water mark.

Another view of Temple Mesa. This is my paddle and is the best one I have ever used.  Carbon fiber so it is light and the head is plastic so you can push of on rocks.

We had a boat by this same name years ago, but was not nearly as big.  Had a lot of fun on that boat in Alaska.

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