Sunday, October 25, 2020



And boy do I mean catch up.  I have not posted for months so will try and catch up on some things.  The biggest thing was this summer (August 15th to be exact) I ended up in the emergency room with complete kidney failure.  And after that I spent some time in the hospital before I was allowed to come home.  It sure knocked me for a loop and I am still experiencing the effects of it.  And probably will for the rest of my life.  I am carrying on though and able to function pretty good.  And of course Connie has been my nurse and savior!  It has effected my memory so I have to write a lot of things down or put them on the calendar or make lots of lists or make sure Connie knows so she can remind me.  But we will make it through this.  

I still have taken a few pictures and will put some on this post and ones to follow.  

This is a picture of my arm below the elbow after they had trouble getting IVs going when I first got to the emergency room. 

Connie washing up Blu before a competition.

The view from Blue Joint Lookout where we took a jeep drive just before I got sick.

Another view looking to the west.

Blue Joint arm of West Fork Lake when the water is gone in the fall.

An arm of West Fork Lake with water still in this arm.

Click to enlarge.  This is a sign at the Blodgett Creek overlook trail head.  Pretty funny.  We took our friend Pam (from Utah) up to get a view from the overlook.

The colors a changing.

Connie and Pam (and Zeph) with Bodgett Canyon in the background.

The north rim of Blodgett Canyon is pretty rocky.

Looking northeast from the overlook into the Bitterroot Valley.  The smoke is from the fires in Washington and Oregon.

Pam climbing around where ladies her age probably should not be!!!

The trail to the overlook is a little over 3 miles but it sure showed how out of shape and weak I was.  So I have a lot of work to do before ski season. 

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