Tuesday, November 29, 2016


After the big thanksgiving dinner, the family went over to the flower shop that Van and Wendy own and had a bingo game.  Van has an old Bingo game complete with everything from the air machine to pick the numbers to the cards.  It was really fun and even the kids really got into it.  Most of the prizes were homemade breads, jams, jelly, etc.

The "flower shop" is a real flower shop where you can get flowers but it is also a place where Van has a lot of antiques.

This part of the shop has a lot of old fire fighting things.  It goes with their restaurant next door called the "Hook and Ladder".
Van in front of his bingo machine

Rob holding up his card showing he has won.

The family all really had a good time with the bingo.

Rob reading the card he elected to take vs some other prize.  The card was worth it.

After the bingo we all came back to the house to have pie and whipped cream.  The little ones were the first in line.

Connie out dancing with the kids.

Connie and her school chum Sharon.  Sharon was nice enough to let us stay at her place with our dog.

Part of the family went out for lunch the last day.

I could not believe Sharon still had a rose that was blooming even after the snow.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Connie and I drove down to Salt Lake City and spent Thanksgiving with her family.  We had a great time with all the nieces and nephews.  Connie's two sisters live there and the whole family got together to celebrate the day.  Well, a couple children live in California and were not able to make it up to Utah for the holiday.  But we had over 30 plates set at the tables!  What a good time!

Connie and I stayed at her old school chums place as her sisters places were filled up.  And we had our dog so that complicates things when some of the kids are allergic to dogs.

The first night it snowed and the next morning was beautiful.  This is the view from Connie's friend Sharon's place.

There is a great place to walk by Sharon's called the Jordon River Parkway. 

With the new snow, I just had to take a few pictures.

Three of our nieces: Leslie, Natalie, and Heather.  Great ladies, great moms, and just great humans.

Connie's sister Pat and nephew Chris helping to set up the table.

The family pictures at the head of the table.

One of the tables.

One of the kids tables.

Visiting in the front room.

Nephew Bill cutting the turkey.

Lots of kids running around.

Bill, his son Andrew, and his sister Sue.

That is Andrew playing the piano and let me tell you, he is really good.  Plays in the high school band and the jazz band.  The whole family is musically inclined. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016


They have a helicopter down in Hamilton that is the same type that I flew down in Fort Wolters, TX.  This is the first aircraft I ever flew so went up in it for old times and grins.  Really enjoyed it.

Some pictures from our flight.  This is the Bitterroot River just north of Woodside.

Denise who took me up.

And we got our horse trailer repainted.  And it really looks good.  Thank you S&S Auto Body!!!!

Connie is really styling now at the arena when she drives up with her horse in this.

Monday, November 14, 2016


The mushrooms are still out all over the place and we are starting to get some more rain.  In fact, snow is in the forecast so we are all hoping it snows a LOT in the mountains!  Skiing is starting to be on our minds.  Just a few pictures in the last week.

Dell looking in the back door waiting for it to open.

The Legion Post had a turkey shoot this weekend and here are some of the folks that helped put it on: Dominic, Wayne, Doug, and Edna.

On my walk this morning, the clouds are coming in.

A few more mushroom picks.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


The forest around our place is still pushing up mushrooms.  This is really unusual for us I think.  We haven't had a killing frost yet and still have flowers blooming!  The hunters are still hunting and have gotten a few more.  We are not seeing as many elk as we were though. 

Some of the  mushrooms we saw on our walk this morning.

All different sizes, shapes, and colors.

Put Ross to work this afternoon cleaning corrals.  He is a natural at driving the tractor piling up horse poop.

Zeph is always keeping an eye on what is going on when he is not making you throw the ball!!