It is good to be back home here in Montana although we already miss the warm temperatures. But spring is here that is for sure. Our grass is starting to green up and the trees are starting to bud out. And the elk are starting to shed and look pretty rough. We have been seeing quite a few around the house. Connie is okay as long as they eat the grass but if they look like they are going to chew on some flowers they get yelled at and ran off.
I have done some burning of brush piles before it gets to dry. We don't have to burn the field we have rented for nearly 20 years as it has been sold and a big new house is being built. Lots of new houses are being built here in Montana. Lumber prices the highest they have ever been and the housing market is unprecedented! But so is a lot of other mountain states. People want to get out of the cities and out of crowded states.
Connie has started jumping her jumping horse and riding others. She has a smile on her face when she is around her horses that is for sure. All the horses look good. Although they are getting old like me!
A few elk pictures.
This young bull has lost his antlers and the new ones are starting to grow.
This spike still has his horns.
I think the cows look pretty good and came through the winter well. It won't be long until the calves show up!