Friday, November 13, 2009

a bit of fresh snow

We have received a little bit of snow the last few days.  Not much, but every inch helps at the ski resort.  Bozeman got 16 inches downtown and 2 feet up on campus.  And the reason I know this is Allen (from over at the ranch) got kicked in the knee by a horse and broke his knee cap.  So he is over there for surgery. 

My brother Gary called first thing this morning to tell us there were 49 elk down in the hayfield below his place and headed up towards where Connie and I walk. I took my camera along this morning hoping to see some, but we did not.  There were a few old tracks, but the herd was hanging in the trees below we think.  But did get to see some deer then and later when I was walking down by our meadow. 

Went to our American Legion Post's annual Veterans Day dinner on Veterans day.  Had a good time and was good seeing some people we hardly ever see.

Click on the picture to make it larger if you want.

First rays of sun hitting the mountains on the west side this morning.

Even though we are not hunting, we wear bright orange when walking. Should get a vest for Zeus.

This is a little buck down near the meadow.

These are what we call snow fleas (actually they are springtails) around the ash bucket outside on the lower deck.  We get quite a few of these every once in awhile.  Very small and are usually in the ground helping to break down organic matter.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Organic matter, like horse poo? Just kidding. We need snow fleas for all the organic matter we have around here lately.