Sunday, January 16, 2011


Went looking for the state flower the Bitterroot to start making it's way out of the ground today.  I did find them in the same sandy area to the west of hay-shed that I have found them early before.  We have had such a change in weather with all the warm temperatures and rain.  The snow and ice are just about gone so it was the first chance to see the little shoots just starting to come up.  What is amazing is that I found Bitterroots coming up on 16 January 2009 also.  Next year will start looking a few days or weeks earlier.

Had Ike, Brenda, Doug, and Rita over last night for a lasagna dinner.  Connie uses Gramma Ramacelli's recipe to make her sauce, and it is the best.  It comes from her friend Shelly's Great Grandmother actually.  Anyway, it always gets rave reviews when she uses it for spaghetti or lasagna.  Had a good visit with them as the Bitterroot Social Club had not been active in months.

In other noteworthy news, the lazy fat cat that lives with us (Catmay) has finally learned how to use the doggy door to go out of the house as well as in.  That is something we have been trying to teach her for at least 2 years.  She figured out how to come into the warm house and sleep by the fire, but could not figure out how to go out the door into the barn when she needed to go out.  She would usually find one of us and start meowing loudly saying she wanted out.  But this morning she went in and out by herself.  A threshold has been crossed.

AND this biggest "other" news is that we now have a new LCDHD TV with a DVR on our Dish Network system.  This is our Christmas present to each other and Connie will get a lot of use out of it next week when she has her other knee surgery on the 24th.

 Heading  out to feed the horses this morning.  These two photos taken with Connie's new Droid telephone.  We are learning how to use all this new technology and our old brains are having to work hard!
 Loading hay.

 A couple of Bitterroots just starting to come up through the ground.

Rain in the valley and snow in the mountains - wet snow.

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