Friday, March 23, 2012


23 March 2012:  Left Valley of Fire and stopped at Echo Bay on Lake Mead where we camped for the night.  Went out on Lake Mead in the Kayak for a few hours -   good to be back on the water.  Connie and I headed south to Quartzsite and Ike and Brenda headed north to Montana this morning.  We drove into a headwind or quartering crosswind all day.  Fuel mileage was not so good today!  We are camped out in the desert just south of Quartzsite in the BLM land.  Hot down here.   

The kayak ready to go.

Brenda rode a bike down to the lake to check out our progress.

 Connie has spent to much time in the sun hiking!  Her backpack line is showing!

Our camp at Quartzsite.

20 March 2012:  Went for a nice walk this morning around the loop of the campground area.  Saw on old, and I mean old buck Desert Sheep.  When everybody got up and going, we headed over to the White Dome area and did a nice hike.  Some good slick rock hiking over there and the colors of the rocks are just amazing to me.  When we got through with our hike, we headed into the town of Overton to the Inside Scoop for an ice cream. 


19 March 2012:  Left Corvallis on the 17th and headed over to Interstate 15 through the Big Hole.  The weather was just too bad down through Nevada so thought that route would be the best.  Ike and Brenda had already left the day before and were holed up at a RV park in Pocatello, ID awaiting calmer winds.  We had a first going through the Big Hole – had to put it into 4 wheel drive to go over Big Hole Pass which had at least 6 inches of very wet heavy snow on it.  The rest of the roads were either slushy or snow packed.  And it was still snowing when we went through there.  Made it to the interstate where it was much better, but the wind was pretty strong with sleet and rain.  Made it to Pocatello and stayed there for the night.  Next morning we headed down to Mesquite, NV and stayed in a new RV park there.  Really nice place.  Then it was on to Valley of Fire near Overton where we camped.  It is much warmer down here and the hiking is great as always.  The weather is warmer and forecast to even get hot.  Connie has a smile on her face.

Mesquite RV park.

Hiking around Valley of Fire.

The old sheep.

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