Monday, December 01, 2014


Connie and I traveled down to Salt Lake City to have Thanksgiving with Connie's family.  We have not spent a holiday with them for a number of years so it was good to do that and we had a wonderful time.  The drive down and back had some weather that was not the best, but we made it down there and back safely.  Drove the pickup and was glad we did as we had to drive through 10 inches of new snow going down the east side of Chief Joseph pass.  On our way down we had lunch with Allen and Yvonne in Dell, MT.  Was great talking to them and caught up on all the news of the ranch and family.  Our drive back was pretty good until we got to Idaho Falls where there was a bad dust storm and I-15 was closed north of Idaho Falls to Roberts.  We had to take a detour to get around that.  They had a multi-car pileup with quite a few injuries as the visibility dropped down to zero.  And we had snow in the Big Hole area again but made it through just fine.  Colder in Montana than it is in Utah though.

The Thanksgiving dinner table at Connie's sister Wendy's house.

Not enough room for the 26 people at the big table so the youngest kids sat in another room and two really young ones were in high chairs.  

Connie and her sister Wendy.  

Some great cheese appetizers coming out of the horn of plenty made out of bread.

We stayed at Connie's friend Sharon's place and this is her grandson's room when he stays with her.

What would be Thanksgiving without a little football played in the yard!

Most of the family went to the Hogle Zoo for the Christmas light display.  Bill leading the way.

Had quite a time keeping track of everyone.

Nephew Austin and his wife Kiley with Connie.

Connie and her two sisters -Wendy and Pat.

Niece Lesley with her niece Emma.

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