Thursday, April 22, 2010


We have been pretty busy since we got back from down south so haven't posted in quite some time.  Well, it is spring.  Seems like there is a lot of things that need to be done this time of year.  Been cleaning the irrigation ditch that brings water down to us from up Willow Creek a ways.  Not to much left to do with that.  Some of the horses have been trimmed and a few have been rode.  Been working on the Memorial Day Parade trying to line up floats and help.  This is always a busy time for the American Legion Post.

We do have some flowers that are starting to bloom.  I grabbed my camera and walked around this afternoon taking a few pictures of these early ones.  Also the Bitterroots are having a bumper crop of plants again.  I hope they have lots of flowers.  Their leaves are just starting to go back into the ground and by the 1st of June we will have some blooming.  We have one place at the start of the horse path to the arena that has at least 24 individual plants within a couple of square feet.  I have never seen that many plants in such a small area - and on our horse path!!

Had a pretty good spring storm last evening.  The wind blew with lots of lightning and thunder.  Zeus just loved that!!!  We ended up getting a pretty good rain out of it which we really needed.  Made walking a little muddy this morning though.  But on our walk we did get to see some elk.  First since we have been back.  They were not to afraid of us.  Got to see them going and coming back.  Phil the peasant must have found a girl friend and is shacked up with her as we have not seen him in days.  We saw Matilda the turkey the other day, but she also has disappeared.  Maybe she also found a boyfriend or is looking for a place to start laying eggs. 

An arrow-leaf  balsaroot just about to bloom.
One in bloom.

Still some clouds hanging around this afternoon.

A few little daisys.

Here are the bitterroots blooming on the start of our horse path.  Click to enlarge.

The ornamental cherry tree is loaded with blossoms this year.

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