Thursday, December 10, 2015


Connie and I have been going through our storage area upstairs and have made many amazing discoveries.  One of which were some old photographs that were either on slides or not digitized.  And we have been getting rid of many things that were not relevant or we could not decide why we were keeping.  Anyway, a lot of stuff has been put into the garbage or taken to the Ravalli Services and the rest a little bit better organized.  So I scanned many of the pictures and below are just a few.  But the old memories that have been brought forward are just amazing.

This picture hung in my locker while I was flying in Vietnam.  That is me on the stud horse named TAYLOR MADE and we are branding a new Hereford bull.  The R climbing X ranch was getting  in on the black bally craze of the 60's by crossing Angus cows with Hereford bulls.  This was a great cross of different breeds and is still going on today.   I wanted to keep grounded to my roots as a cowboy I guess so that is why it was always visible when I opened my locker.  The dog in the foreground is named Zack and was my second cowdog.

This is a picture of the Gobel boxcar we based out of quite a bit when working in the Centennial Valley.

Just on Connie's left is where we hung our saddles at night so the sweaty elk hides we used for saddle blankets/pads were always perfuming our dreams. 

The Gobel boxcar with a couple of horses grazing in front of it.

Above and below is Connie doctoring a calf that obviously has the scours just looking at it's rear end. 

I know of very few ladies except Connie's relatives that have as much hair in their pony tails sticking out of their hats.

Me and Zeke doctoring a calf.  That is the horse Breeze that is looking on.

Me on a windy ridge line gathering cattle.  The horse is Joe and the dog is Zeus.

This is the family coming back from a deer hunt when we lived in Lodge Grass, MT.  From left to right:  my Mother, sister, brother, Dad, and I with some deer.

Dad and I with a salmon caught on the Salmon River. I look pretty good with my Hawaiian shirt and my cowboy belt buckle!

My father when he was in the cavalry guard in Idaho as a young man.

My father and I riding and this is probably the last time my father was on a horse.

And the first horse I was ever on.  His name was named Lightning.  He was a Shetland cross and Gary, Sharon, and I learned to ride on him.

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