Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Connie and I ran over to the Martinell Ranch over in Dell to help them with their AI  (artificial insemination) of their yearling heifers this last weekend.  We have helped with this annual working of the heifers for quite a few years.  It is always good to see all the Martinell family and catch up on what has been happening with them.  It has always been a great ranch and is getting better.  The younger generation has helped keep up with the changing agriculture world that is for sure.  And this family holds a very special place in Connie's and my life.  And what a great family it is.  We have been involved with them since 1992.  Have spent many hours in a saddle riding on their ranch. Some days longer than others!

The "old" chute that leads to a hydraulic squeeze chute to hold the heifers while they are being inseminated.

Heath and Kiley's son Kalen has a little puppy that Zeph was pretty interested in.  From left to right: Kalen, Zeph, new puppy, Spencer, Kiley, and Connie.

The hydraulic chute that sure makes working cattle easier.

The alley way with some more heifers headed up to the corrals.  The bred heifers on the right.

And a little coffee and some sweet sugary treats to keep the energy level up about half way through..

In the green coat up by the chute is Taryn who is going to lead her 4H heifer out of the chute.

These three young guys were my helpers in the back.  From L to R:  Rowen, Kalen, and Spencer.  Spender is orginally from Hati and was adopted by a couple in Lima and he really likes to help work cows. 

A heifer is watching Zeph outside the corral.

Another picture of my helpers.

And this young man is Keegan the younger brother of Rowen.  They are the children of Ryan and Kristen. 

And this is Kristen who is the Vet of the family and one of the inseminators.

The "bred" heifers.

Taryn with her 4H heifer.

Allen pushing the heifers back to the feedlot.

And they still have a few sheep on the ranch. 

Next to the kitchen table, this is probably where most of the decisions on running the ranch is made.  This is horse barn where the horses are saddled, shod, brushed, trimmed,etc, etc.  Ryan, Heath, and Allen discussing everything from a ditcher to how many new calves tagged that morning.

Lots of cowboy equipment hanging on the walls.

Bridles and halters.
And lots of saddles and ropes.

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